Studio Policies
Tuition... is based on 10 months of class including holidays. August – May tuition is charged. Tuition is due on the first lesson of each month. We accept checks {to De Frances}, cash and credit cards. Cash must be paid in the office for a written receipt. All payments can be put in the locked payment box inside by the office door or at the Coursey studio outside in our locked mailbox by the front door. Your dancers name must be on the check.
*Credit cards will be charged a 6% processing fee.
Late Fee... A $25 late fee will be added to your account after the 15th. of the month.
Returned Checks... A $25 NSF fee will be charged to your account for returned checks and only cash will be accepted for the remainder of the year.
*Only cash will be accepted after May 1st for all students.
First Day... Young dancers must have their ballet shoes on first for each class. All dancers must have their names on all shoes and dance bags. Classes will dismiss about 15 minutes early to help with lobby and parking lot traffic. We ask that if you are new to our studio, you give us at least 2-3 classes to determine if your dancer is in the correct class.
Bathroom... Dancers must use the bathroom BEFORE class. This is very important for our younger dancers as when 1 goes, they all have to go! We allow dancers to go to the bathroom when we change shoes during class.
Class Participation... Any student not participating in a class will be asked to call home immediately. A good night’s sleep and healthy diet can help your dancer have enough energy to participate. Any child not feeling well or sick SHOULD STAY HOME!
Injuries... If a child is injured, a written note by the parent will be required to sit and watch. If a student becomes injured during a class, the parent will be notified immediately. We are not responsible for your dancer’s injuries. The risk of injuries occurs with any sport.
Attendance... Please notify the office if your child misses more than 2 consecutive weeks of unattended classes. Ask about “make-up” classes if available.
Class Dismissal... We are trying to keep our lobby from being too crowded due to the “New Normal.” Creative Movement and Hip Hop classes are 45 minutes long. These will stay the same. All other classes will dismiss 5 minutes early to help with lobby congestion and parking. This way you can pick up your child and leave before the next class arrives.
*Parents of young dancers should be lined up outside the front door ready to take their dancer home on time.
Lobby... In order for us to keep a stress free and quiet atmosphere, parents will drop off and pick up their dancers at the front door. Parents can wait in their car or leave.
Parking... is limited however, at the Baton Rouge studio after 4pm you can park in the Tire Car Care Center next door or on the other side of the Dollar Tree behind Smoothie King.
No Refunds... or deductions are given if a child misses class for any reason. Ask about “make-up” classes if available. If a child misses a class, it is your responsibility to call the office to see if you missed any information sent home.
Recitals... are optional. They are held at the Downtown River Center Performing Arts building. If you choose to participate in the recital, then Dress Rehearsal is mandatory.
Costumes Fees... are due by October 1st and ordered in October. Fees cannot be refunded. They are handed out at the spring Parent Visitation during your class time.
Recital Fees... must be paid in January and are not refundable. It includes your Trophy, T-Shirt and about 5 reserved tickets with 1 program per family. There is no fee for extra tickets. All accounts must be paid in full to receive your Ticket Packet in May. Only cash will be accepted after May 1st.
Dress Requirements... All students are expected to follow our dress code. Please refer to our Dress Code page on our website. Click on the “Class Description” tab.
Lost Items... We are not responsible for any lost items. Your dancer should have their name on all their shoes and clothing. Their dance bag should be big enough to place all items in it. We have a “Lost and Found” box at each studio.
Withdrawal... If for any reason it becomes necessary to withdraw from a class, you must send a written notice to the office or you will continue to be billed for that class.
Closings... We follow the EBR Parish School System for holidays, weather and citywide emergencies for the Baton Rouge studio and Ascension Parish School System for our Prairieville studio.
Photo Release... By accepting these policies you are agreeing to let your dancers picture be posted on www.defrancesdance.com website and our Face Book and Instagram pages. If your dancers name will be used, it will only be a first name with a last initial.