"D-A-NCE We'll DANCE Our Way To
Being a member of this unbelievably talented group of dancers
is an exciting and memorable opportunity.
Our staff brings different talents and styles together to form one of the best competition teams in the country. Our teachers are known for their award winning choreography and our students have been described as
“technically flawless.”
Dance Force has taken top honors across the United States and
it is recognized on the local, state and national levels.
Auditions are held annually.

Improve Flexibility, Improve Learning Speed, Improve Leaps & Turns
Have a blast while learning amazing dance combinations.
Over 50 years of Dance Education resulting in our dancers becoming professionals on Broadway, Music Videos, TV Shows, Feature Films, Captains for the LSU Tiger Girls & LSU Golden Girls, Staintsations & MORE!

Frequently Asked Questions
How do I become a member of Dance Force?
Auditions are held annually at the Baton Rouge location. Student’s audition in 2 different age groups:
Ages 6 - 8
Ages 9 – 11
Ages 12 & up
Students will be judged on their technique as well as their flexibility, energy, performance and style. Dance combinations will be taught to see how fast they can catch on. Good Luck!
What should I bring and wear to audition in?
Girls should wear solid black booty shorts, solid black sports bra with tan tights and any color jazz shoe. Boys should wear a white t-shirt and black pants with any color jazz shoe.
What classes are required to be a member of Dance Force?
All members are required to take a 1 ½ hour Leaps and Turns/Technique class, a ½ hour Tap Technique class and a 1 ½ hour Ballet Technique class.
How many competitions does Dance Force attend and when are they?
Dance Force attends 4 – 5 regional competitions a year between the months of January and April. Most are held in the Baton Rouge area. However, sometimes we attend competitions or conventions in New Orleans or Biloxi. If we attend a national competition, it is usually in late June or early July.
You will receive the dates for all the regional competitions and Conventions we will attend in August at our annual Parents Meeting. If we attend nationals, it will be decided by March.
A schedule for each routine and the time it will compete will be given to you about 1 week before the competition. You could be competing on a Friday afternoon, Saturday or Sunday depending on how big the competition is.
What is “Full Force” Camp?
This is a MANDATORY 2 week intense rehearsal period prior to our nationals if we choose to attend one. Full Force camp is always held 2 weeks prior to the nationals we attend {Usually the 2nd. & 3rd. week of June}. You will be given a detailed schedule about 3 weeks before we begin. Rehearsals are held in the afternoon after 3:00.
How many routines can I be in?
Every member must be in a minimum of 2 routines. The Production routine and 1 other Large Group routine are mandatory. After that, you may be chosen for other routines and will have to audition for Hip Hop and some Small Groups. Remember, the more routines you are in, the more your fees and commitment level will increase.
Can I do a Solo or Duo/Trio?
All you have to do is ask. The directors will decide if you are ready or not. If so, they will work with you to decide on what music and style routine you will perform. All Duo/Trio pairings must be approve by the directors.
When do Dance Force routines rehearse?
The Production and all Large Groups rehearse on Wednesday nights. Small Groups rehearse on other nights and any Solo’s or Duo/Trio’s can be scheduled through the studio.
What does the Dance Force uniform consist of?
Each new member is required to purchase a team jacket. All other items are optional. The team jacket should be worn for all award sessions. The cost is $100.
How much are costumes and what do they include?
Dance Force costumes cost approximately $100 - $200 each. A $100 {per costume} deposit will be required in September for each costume. Any shoes or tights that are required are not included in this fee.
What are your Start Up Fees?
$50 Registration Fee, $100 Uniform Fee, $350 Dance Force Yearly Fee, $100 per costume deposit
Competition Fees, Choreography Fees, Costume Balances and Convention Fees will be billed as they are due.
Solo Fee* *Varies by Choreographer per routine - Includes
choreography fee and 3 hrs of instruction.
Duo/Trio *Varies by Choreographer per routine. Includes choreography
fee and 3 hrs of instruction.
Private $50 per hour or $30 per ½ hour. {Additional $25 will be charged for rehearsal space}
Group Entry Fees *$45 - $55 per dancer, per routine at 4 regionals
Solo Entry Fees *$100 - $135 per routine at 4 regionals
Duo/Trio Entry Fees *$70 -$85 per dancer, per routine at 4 regionals
* National fees are slightly higher.
* The above are approximate fees.
* Any Solo or Duo/Trio may attend other competitions with the director’s permission.
What is the Dance Force Handbook?
Each family will be emailed a Dance Force Handbook by the first meeting. It will explain in detail what is expected of each member as well as their parents for the new competition season. It should be used as a guide throughout the year if you have any questions.
What is the Dance Force motto?
“When one of our members is on the stage, our entire team is on the stage!”
Teamwork all the way! Geaux Dance Force!!!